Aceptación, gestión y distribución de productos y servicios de
ALLIED RE CORPORATION ltd es exclusivamente realizado por
Allied Re Corporation Ltd –UK
"Protection of persons and others with respect to the processing of personal data" The Code on the protection of personal data, adopted with the Legislative Decree no. 196 of June 30th, 2003, as subsequently amended, (hereinafter indicated also as the "Code" or the “Law”), obliges the persons defined as "Data controllers" for the processing of personal data, pursuant to art. 4 of the same Law, to provide all Data Subjects with precise information on the processing, if any, of their personal data.
As far as Law enforcement is concerned, pursuant to Section 5,the Code shall not apply to the processing of personal data relating to legal persons, companies, bodies or associations.
ALLIED RE CORPORATION LTD in his capacity as Data controller for the processing of personal data, intends to give details regarding the information requested on the processing of the relevant data as regulated by the Code (hereinafter the “Data”).
ALLIED RE CORPORATION LTD with registered office in London - UK and its direct and indirect controlled companies,is acting under the coordination of ALLIED RE CORPORATION LTD UK along with the other International companies of the same Group
The Data gathered directly by the Data subject or by a third party or otherwise acquired by the companies of the GROUP ALLIED INSURANCE & REINSURANCE CORPORATION within their business, could be processed in compliance with the above Law and with the confidentiality duties.
ALLIED RE CORPORATION LTD gathers and processes personal data of Data subjects for the following purposes:
It is not obligatory to provide personal data for the purposes referred to in letter c) and failure to provide them does not involve any consequence whatsoever. However, failure to provide them would make it impossible for ALLIED RE CORPORATION LTD and the other companies of GROUP ALLIED INSURANCE & REINSURANCE CORPORATION Data Subjects up-to-date on events, conventions, promotion of new products and services or to provide the same with publications and with other informative material.
Pursuant to PRIVACY RULE as amended by law processing by telephone and mail of the data for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct selling or else for the performance of market or commercial communication surveys, by using subscribers’ personal data as contained in publicly available paper or electronic directories, shall be allowed without data subject consent, in respect of any entities that have not exercised their right to object, by having the respective telephone numbers and other personal data entered in a public opt-out register.
Data is made available only to the personnel who needs it for the activities and tasks carried out, by way of example without limitation, within GROUP ALLIED INSURANCE & REINSURANCE CORPORATION such as: external relations and commercial officers, accountants, secretaries, managers and officers of the GROUP ALLIED INSURANCE & REINSURANCE CORPORATION. These persons, whose number will be limited to the minimum required, process the data in their capacity as “Persons in charge of the Processing”; they are specially appointed for such purpose and are duly instructed in order to avoid loss, destruction, unauthorized access or forbidden processing of such data.
UK: ALLIED RE CORPORATION LTD Company n.08069356 Capital Pound 46.000.000
12/14 Pepper Street, Glengal Bridge, Isle of Dogs, London, E14 9QY UK
Brokers and Contract Management
In addition to communicating personal data of Data Subjects inside the ALLIED RE CORPORATION LTD may communicate personal data to:
Names and address of these companies will be made available at the request of Data Subjects.
Being understood what referred to in point 1.letter c), paragraph 3, consent for the purposes stated in letter c) is optional and failure to provide it does not involve any consequence whatsoever. However, failure to provide it would make it impossible for ALLIED RE CORPORATION LTD and for the other companies of GROUP ALLIED INSURANCE & REINSURANCE CORPORATION to keep Data Subjects up-to-date on events, conventions, promotion of new products and services or to provide the same with publications and with other informative material.
Personal data of Data Subjects may be transferred abroad, even outside the European Community, to the same parties mentioned under paragraph 2 and for the same purposes specified under paragraph 1 above, either by or without electronic or alternatively automated means.
Granting consent for transferring personal data abroad is optional for the purposes specified under paragraph 1 (c) above and failure to provide it does not involve any consequence whatsoever. However, failure to provide it would make it impossible for ALLIED RE CORPORATION LTD and for the other companies of GROUP ALLIED INSURANCE & REINSURANCE CORPORATION to keep Data Subjects up-to-date on events, conventions, promotion of new products and services or to provide the same with publications and with other informative material.
GROUP ALLIED INSURANCE & REINSURANCE CORPORATION processes personal data of Data Subjects in a lawful and professional manner, so as to ensure the confidentiality and security of the information. The processing of personal data - which shall mean any operation provided for in the definitions under Section 4, letter a) of the Code – is carried out by manual, electronic or computerized means with organisational methods and logic strictly related to the purposes mentioned above.
The GROUP ALLIED INSURANCE & REINSURANCE CORPORATION telephone system does not provide a facility for recording all outgoing and incoming working calls. Only in Markets Supervision there are some selected lines that could record all the outgoing and incoming working calls, with the purpose to provide evidence of business transactions (such as Member Firms’ requests or confirmations of cancellation of orders and trades). The recording will be retained securely in order to prevent the access, the alteration or the use from not authorised persons
Furthermore, in view of the fact that ALLIED RE CORPORATION LTD belongs to the ALLIED RE CORPORATION LTD UK, personal data of Data Subject may be held on information devices at the GROUP ALLIED INSURANCE & REINSURANCE CORPORATION and at its controlled or associated companies, in compliance with the above conditions. Data is kept for no longer than is necessary for the purpose for which they were collected or subsequently processed, in compliance with general principles and with provisions issued by the “Garante”. Pursuant to Section 24, consent is required for processing data, if the processing concerns communication or exchanging of data among companies belonging to the same Group (parent, subsidiary and/or related companies, pursuant to Section 2359 of the Civil Code, or former and jointly controlled companies), or among consortiums, corporate networks and/or corporate joint ventures, for the following administrative and accounting purposes: in-house organizational activities; activities aimed at fulfilling contractual and precontractual obligations, managing employer-employee relationships, keeping accounting records, and implementing the legislation on taxation, trade unions, social security and welfare, health and safety on the job (see Section 34, letter 1-ter hereof)
In compliance with the Law, Data Subjects are entitled to the rights mentioned in art. 7 of the same Law. Besides, in compliance with the said Section, Data Subjects may ask for the access to their personal data, obtain a copy of the data processed, ask for their updating, rectification, integration, erasure or termination, where conditions occur or may object, on legitimate grounds, to the processing of personal data concerning them.
Data Subjects may assert their rights by writing to UK:ALLIED RE CORPORATION LTD Company n.08069356 Capital Pound 46.000.000
12/14 Pepper Street, Glengal Bridge, Isle of Dogs, London, E14 9QY UK
Brokers and Contract Management
EUROPE: for the attention of the Data Controller or Data Processor.